Infrared heaters and screens

Do you also have the cooler day on the screen?

To transform your own garden into an oasis of well-being, the most important thing, of course, is to have the right furniture. Of course, this also includes large umbrellas that spread a vacation feeling.

The practical use of a large umbrella is obvious: an umbrella provides shade on hot sunny days and protects against harmful UV radiation. Even in an unforeseen rain shower, it prevents a wet surprise. In addition, an umbrella that is coordinated with the rest of the garden decor can be a visual icing on the cake and even become the aesthetic focal point of the outdoor area. Only one thing missing! The new infrared radiant heater HeatFlare from ExtremeLine.

ExtremeLine stands for innovative, very efficient products and high quality. This is also the case with our new radiant heater. It combines the comfortable protection from the weather of the umbrella with the modern design and performance of the infrared radiant heater. In addition, the expense of setting up a weather screen is less than building a slat roof or other roofing.

Transform the space under your large umbrella into an absolute comfort zone with the HeatFlare! Just ask us for advice!

In parasols can be divided into two main types:

Traffic light umbrellas and center pole umbrellas. Both have round or square models with a different number of crossbars. Each type of umbrella has its own advantages and is suitable for different areas. Here is a small overview.

Center pole umbrella

The center pole parasol represents the classic design of a parasol. The umbrella mast is placed exactly in the center under the canopy.

The advantages of this classic variant are the ease of use and very high wind stability. This allows it to stay stretched even in bad weather (light rain and wind). Depending on the method of attachment, it is also quite mobile, for example, if you resort to an umbrella stand with wheels.

In the case of the center pole umbrella, as in the case of the traffic light umbrella, there are rectangular and round models. In addition, it finds its application on small balconies, up to large terraces and also in gastronomy.

Traffic light umbrella

In the case of a traffic light umbrella, the umbrella mast is located on the side of the umbrella roof. This design promises the greatest possible shade yield with minimal space requirements. The basic differences in traffic light umbrellas in suspension and shape. As with the center pole umbrella, there are square and rectangular umbrellas with different advantages. Square models, for example, offer a great advantage on small terraces, because they can be moved up to the wall.

Traffic light umbrellas find their application mainly in the private sphere, because there their strength can be played out best. In addition, traffic light umbrellas are also usually a bit more pricey compared to mid-mast umbrellas.

The advantages of infrared heaters under the umbrella

The advantage of infrared radiators over conventional mushroom heaters is that they provide people with heat directly, instead of working by heating the air. Like the gentle rays of the sun, the infrared rays of the new radiant heaters reliably unfold their effect even in a cool breeze with up to 3200 W. Another big advantage is that in the bracket also considered the necessary safety distance from the stringing, so you do not have to worry about additional. Also, our new infrared heater is even available in three colors – dark gray (similar to DB703), titanium, white and brushed stainless steel.

Der HeatFlare als Schirmheizstrahler mit einem Montagegelenk

Whether balcony, terrace, beer garden or outdoor seating area in the restaurant: The HeatFlare brings cozy warmth under the umbrella for you and your guests. Because the radiant heater has been specially developed for large umbrellas, together with the company Bahama, and comes with all the well-known ExtremeLine advantages. Even those who do not want to miss the barbecue in the garden in cold seasons or like to get into the whirlpool are on the safe side with an infrared heater.

But also allergy sufferers and people with respiratory problems will feel the benefits of the infrared heater pleasantly and no longer want to miss. The clean and condensation-free instant heat, unlike gas heaters or fan heaters, is produced without dust whirling, without annoying noise, with almost no red light and unpleasant odors. Especially the lugging of gas bottles is no longer necessary.

You have an umbrella, but have not yet thought about heating? This is not a problem! You can also easily retrofit the HeatFlare!

Minimum installation effort, maximum thermal comfort

The HeatFlare convinces with regard to aesthetics, functionality, performance and safety. It is made of weatherproof aluminum, very robust, equipped with a design protection grid and protected against splashing water.

For mounting we have developed a folding joint, which is attached by a clamp to the crossbar. The HeatFlare can be mounted in different ways on the umbrella and when closing it is simply folded to the side. Thus, many large umbrellas can also be closed without the heater must be dismantled (see picture).

Also, it has the advantage of being designed individually and thus user-oriented applicable. Should the case arise that the screen is no longer needed, the HeatFlare can be used for other purposes. In addition, it can be quickly dismantled for maintenance work on the screen or reinstalled on the new screen.

As a result, it shines in its use of flexibility:

Easy to mount and easy to control by remote control. For the HeatFlare is also, as with all our devices, the control can be ordered already integrated. Of course, it is also available without built-in control.

The following example arrangement exists for 4 different screens:

Depending on the number of people, individual seats or entire seating areas under the umbrella can be provided with soothing warmth. The most important thing is: the radiant heat always arrives where it is really needed. Due to its high power, it can heat about 8.5 square meters per radiator and emits heat within about 36sec. This saves a lot of costs!


Interested in our products? Here are the two ways to get to our products:

Wintering and weathering tip:

One aspect of an umbrella that is definitely not to be sneezed at is the fact that it needs to be protected from severe weather! This also applies to electrical devices such as radiant heaters. Regardless of the high standard of technology and materials used in the manufacture of the HeatFlare, you should not just leave it in heavy rain and frost. Thus, for the maximum protection and a long friends / a long life, we have the following recommendation:
Store your umbrella and HeatFlare under cover during the winter months or during heavy rain, or use a weatherproof protective cover. Because even when closed, not all umbrellas are waterproof.
This not only avoids irreparable damage, but also reduces high costs due to weather damage.

You have a permanently installed roofing? Or want to learn more about the HeatFlare?

When it comes to patio roofing and infrared radiant heaters, we are absolute specialists! Come and have a look!